Winter Buckeye Trail 50K Fun Run
January 24, 2004


1. Mike George 6:38:50
2. Jim Harris 6:54:00
3. Bob Combs 7:15:09
4. Roy Heger 7:36:40
5. Brandon Russell 7:40:13
6. Tanya Cady 7:40:59
7. Bill Bogar 7:43:40
  Brian Stuckey 7:43:40
9 Steve Hawthorne 8:26:20

16 Starters

With the temperature in the single digits and wind chill well into the subzero range sixteen runners toed the line scraped in the fresh snow of Oak Grove picnic area for the start of the ninth annual Buckeye Trail Winter 50k Mike George of Brecksville Ohio lead nearly all the way on the frozen, snow covered, out and back course. Race director Tanya Cady was the only woman to start the run and she was able to set a new woman's Grand Masters mark under very tough conditions.

Thanks to Walt Lemonovich, Bob Porkorney,and Amy Rak,Kaitlyn and Tom of the Runners Mark for braving the brutal cold to work the two aid stations. They made sure all the runners had plenty of Connie Gardner's high energy cookies!

Submitted by Tanya Cady and Roy Heger CO-race directors


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Last revised on January 27, 2004